Hip Strength for Mobility
CourseFocused strengthening for the hips and legs for easeful range of motion and agility.
The Sacred Sacrum
CourseNourish and stabilize the sacrum and surrounding structures to bring ease throughout the pelvis and lower back.
Yoga of the Subtle Body—A Four-Part Series
CourseThis four-class series weaves the structural aspects of asana practice with the energetic, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of yoga to tap into the true healing power of practice.
Pelvis: The Source of Vitality
CourseTonify the pelvic floor and hip joints to increase the flow of vital fluids through the pelvis.
Strong Hips and Open Heart
CourseDeep hip work bringing lightness and lift from the pelvis to the heart, with Dharma on the power of metta.
Unwinding Hips, Spine, and Shoulders
CourseA floor-based class for deep relaxation through somatic movements, classic supine yoga poses, pigeon variations, and bolster-supported backbends. Our Dharma theme explores generosity guided by wisdom.