The Four Essentials for Healing
CourseDynamic and restorative sequence, including four essential poses for healing the organic body and nervous system. Dharma on learning from our mistakes.
Cooling and Calming
CourseAsanas and practices selected for their cooling effect on the body and mind, bringing relaxation and calm. Dharma theme explores releasing judgment and expectations in meditation.
Unwinding Hips, Spine, and Shoulders
CourseA floor-based class for deep relaxation through somatic movements, classic supine yoga poses, pigeon variations, and bolster-supported backbends. Our Dharma theme explores generosity guided by wisdom.
Releasing the Belly, Releasing Stress
CourseDeeply release tension and stress harbored in the belly, or “gut brain,” and move from your center in asana. Dharma exploration of the dimensions of compassion.
Dynamic Hips to Restoratives
CourseDynamic movements to strengthen and mobilize the hips, moving into a deeply nourishing restorative sequence to regulate your nervous system and support healthy sleep patterns. Dharma theme illuminates skillful practices to deepen meditation.
Solstice Savasana: The Art of Yielding
CourseA dynamic and breath centered class, with both deep muscular engagement and release of habitual tension. Savasana is our peak pose, bringing transformation through yielding into the support of the earth.