Foot to Hip Stability and Mobility
CourseIncrease healthy function and mobility in the feet, calves, and hips. You will learn how foot dynamics relate to tension patterns in the hips and pelvis. The Dharma theme offers support and insight for embracing change.
Ankles, Hips, and Hamstrings
CourseBring strength and pliability to the ankles, hips, and hamstrings through somatic and therapeutic movements and classical yoga asanas. The Dharma theme illuminates wise view.
Knee and Hip Stability
CourseEnhance knee and hip stability through grounding floor work, Therabands in standing poses, and balance work. Dharma theme: the power of equanimity.
Knee Care—Part 1
CourseWorking from the ground up through the feet, ankles, and hip joints, we cultivate stability and healthy alignment in the knees. Our Dharma theme illuminates how ease and relaxation can deepen our meditation practice.
Knee Care—Part 2
CourseBuilding on Knee Care Part 1: Skillful isometric, strengthening, and mobility work—progressing from the ground up through the feet, ankles, and hip joints—for stability and healthy alignment in the knees. Dharma theme: slowing down.
Decompressing the Spine
CourseThis sequence employs a chair for deep release for the spine and frontal hips, along with calming the nervous system and facilitating spacious breathing. We conclude with pranayama—lengthening the exhalation to cultivate quiescence.