Side Body, Outer Hips, and Psoas
CourseLengthen the side body, stabilize the outer hips, and release the psoas. We progress into a well-supported pigeon pose with a chair. Our Dharma theme offers support and insight for embracing change.
Strong, Open Arms
CourseStrengthen the arms while opening the inner wrists and inner arms, into the upper chest for expansive breathing. The Dharma theme illuminates the power of Wise View in daily life.
Ease and Space With a Chair
CourseBring ease and spaciousness to the body and mind through chair-supported side bends, along with hip and spine releases. The Dharma theme illuminates the power of Wise View in daily life.
Twists and Core at the Wall
CourseStabilize the legs, hips, and core (including the lower back) to bring mobility and rotation to the thoracic spine. Dharma theme: infusing meditation and embodied awareness into daily life.
Neck and Shoulder Freedom
CourseFreedom and ease in the neck and shoulders through thoracic spine release, core engagement, and shoulder stabilization. Dharma theme: Wise View.
Chakra Series
CourseThrough movement, pranayama, sound resonance, imagery and visualization, and meditation, we explore the unique physical structures, emotional and psychological qualities, developmental stages, and subtle energetics of each chakra.