Core Sheath: Deep Belly and Neck
CourseEngage and lengthen the core sheath—muscles and connective tissue along the frontal spine from the deep belly to the frontal neck—to support easeful posture and release neck strain. Meditation: contemplative practice for the development of wisdom.
Arm and Core Strength With a Theraband
CourseEngage the deep core stabilizers and use a Theraband to strengthen the arms and increase proprioceptive awareness of the body’s position and movements. Our Dharma theme illuminates skillful ways of shifting difficult mind states.
Stable Wrists and Shoulders at the Wall
CourseEssential strengthening practices for the wrists and shoulders, along with core work—powerful daily practices to support the nervous system and immunity. Dharma theme: kindness as a support for resilience.
The Art of Backbends
CourseStrength and mobility as well as play and experimentation—we progress slowly and gently, investigating how different hip and shoulder actions affect our range of motion. Dharma theme: how anxiety and restlessness can be teachers.