Strong and Supple Side Body
CourseBy strengthening and lengthening our side body, we bring freedom to the pelvis and shoulders, while also accessing the inner legs, core, and spine. Dharma investigation illuminates somatic “knowing” or intuition as a source of trust and creativity.
Whole Body Essential Practice
CourseEssential movements and asanas to bring strength, mobility, and balance to the whole body. Dharma theme illuminates how moments of slowing down can release a sense of urgency or rushing through life.
Stable Flow
CourseBuilding stability and mobility in our wrists, shoulders, legs, and core, and progressing into a stable—yet flowing—sequence linking standing poses with vinyasa. Dharma theme: small moments of embodied awareness to relieve stress.
Diagonal Movements for Stability and Freedom
CourseGain left/right balance and release structural strain patterns for functional alignment by engaging the legs, pelvis, arms, and spine. Dharma theme: mindfulness of breathing as a powerful practice within daily life.
Strap Favorites for Core, Hips, and Spine
CourseMy favorite strap techniques to engage the core and shoulders, open the hips, and bring freedom through the spine. Meditation theme: setting intentions.